My new site & blog
Eventually I found a some time and got renewed!
I managed after some years and have created my new website. With my new site I believe that I offer a much better experience for you and I give you better and more correct information about my services. I also include advice and solutions to basic psychological issues so you can benefit from that.
Why I did it.
Together with my necessary renewal my goal is to give you a more complete and detailed picture of myself, the services I provide, and various solutions to common psychological issues. The reason for including a blog to my website was that it wouldn't be right that a modern website would not have a blog, and this way you can comment and write your own opinions and experiences on various psychological problems you face. Of course I am always open to comments and suggestions. I always listen to the needs, views, and ideas that you would like to share with me. I will do my best to provide a very enjoyable reading of my blog posts and at the same time make them as informative as possible!
A Big Thank You
So hold on to your seats for the most enjoyable ride! Although I have been saying this for a while, this time I really mean it. I am already getting a lot of new users, but before this happens, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you my current users and customers for keeping up the good work, sharing with me their experiences and sending me their opinions for my work.
Thank you for your trust and support in me for so many years and welcome to my blog.