What is depression and how online therapy can help

What Is Depression?

Most people have felt sad or depressed at times. Feeling depressed can be a normal reaction to loss, life's struggles, or low self-esteem. When feelings of intense sadness persist and/or include feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless and/or last for many days to weeks and keeps you from functioning normally then its time for help.

Depression is something more than sadness, it may very well be clinical depression and it is a treatable medical condition. Signs I may be suffering from Depression Depression may occur when you have five or more of the following symptoms at the same time:

• A depressed mood which is consistent.

• Loss of energy or feeling tired almost all the time.

• Feeling worthless, helpless, hopeless and/or pessimist.

• Lack of concentration and or indecisiveness.

• An inability to sleep and/or excessive sleeping.

• Lack of interest and/or lack of pleasure in almost everything.

• Thoughts of death and/or wanting to die (suicidal thoughts) in this case please contact the appropriate authorities.

• Restlessness and/or slowed movements.

• Weight loss or weight gain.

• Aches or pains, headaches, cramps and/or digestive problems that persist.

• Overeating or appetite loss.

• Problems going to sleep or waking up.

• Irritability.

• Feeling empty or sad Depression is a low sad mood and/or lack of interest in activities you once liked.

Depression is diagnosed when these signs are present for at least two weeks. Depressive symptoms cause distress or impairment. They cannot be due to possible effects of a substance, such as medication and/or the result of some medical condition. Symptoms that occur within two months of the loss of a loved one are not considered to be clinical depression but grieving. Symptoms of Depression People who suffer from depression don't experience the same symptoms. How severe they are, how frequent, and how long they last will vary depending on the individual. While these are common symptoms of depression they may also occur in patterns. For example, a person may experience depression with mania or hypomania -- a condition called bipolar disorder or manic depression. In some cases the symptoms may be seasonal as in the case of seasonal affective disorder. Psychological diagnosis/assessment is needed to differentiate and treat.