Free Life Coaching & Psychological evaluation

Help me coach you to the road of wellness!

Please fill out the following questions that will help me understand better what is the best approach in life coaching you.

There is NO OBLIGATION from your part and your information are strictly CONFIDENTIAL.

If you agree, we will take it from there and design the best approach that fits YOU to help you with your needs and life coach you to the road of wellness!

Please be as honest as possible.

NOTE : Life coaching applies to persons over the age of 18.

Guardian's Permission

Guardian's Permission

NOTE: Anyone in sessions with a mental health professional should be an adult, ie 18 years of age or older. In case a child or teenager would like or need to start online sessions with me, his/her parent or guardian should be able to provide a written statement stating that he/she is aware of that and allows his/her minor son or daughter to be in online sessions.